
Importance of Varying Parenting Styles in Child Grooming


Have you ever wondered the reason for the behavioral differences in children? There are factors that play a major role in influencing a child’s behavior. They are;

  • Societal change,
  • peer group influence,
  • family background and
  • parenting style. 

Hence, the need for varying parenting styles in child grooming.

Different Stages of Child Development.

Since children go through distinct stages in life, parents establish their parenting styles.

A variety of elements change over time as their children’s personalities emerges. Parents struggle to acclimatize to a new lifestyle.

This is usually in adapting and bonding with their new infant during the infancy stage.

Developmental psychologists distinguish between the attachment relationship between a child and a parent. They also analyze the bonding relationship between a parent and a child.

Parents face new obstacles as their children enter adolescence. These include teens seeking and demanding independence. Parents at this stage seek for ways to discipline their difficult teenagers.

Cultural and Societal backgrounds.

Parents use a variety of styles in child grooming. These styles often depend on their culture and societal demands.

Cultural backgrounds have a significant impact on a family’s formation and child grooming. Parenting style changes according to the changes taking place in a society.

The environment often has great influence on parents. Parents have a unique style in interacting with and guiding their children. This link establishes a child’s morals, principles, and behavior in general.

A few factors influence parenting styles largely. These factors are very much beneficial in child grooming. They include:

  • Child’s temperament
  • Spiritual ideologies
  •  Single parenting
  •  Situation dependent

Importance of Varying Parenting Styles

Parenting Style

There are four (4) main parenting styles. They are;



Authoritative and

Uninvolved parenting styles.

However, the authoritative and permissive parenting styles prove to produce the best results. Thus, a combination of these in varying parenting patterns is of great importance.

Authoritative parents usually have control over their children. They also display great affection towards them.

They develop a close and nurturing relationship with their children. There is also a close communication level amongst these parents and their children.

They set disciplinary rules and often explain their reason for every disciplinary action.

Children who have authoritative parents usually have high self-esteem and self-control.

They are tolerant, very sociable and easily get along with people. These set of children perform well academically and tend to become high flyers.

They are very confident and do not easily give in to peer pressure.

Parents who use permissive style of parenting display great affection towards their children.

However, they have no control over them. These parents communicate more with their kids.

They act as friends rather than parents. In this style of parenting, there are little or no set rules to follow.

Grooming children with this style makes them self-confident and have high self-esteem.


The outcome of a parenting style becomes evident in the child’s behavior and actions, as he/she grows older.

Each parenting style has its positive and negative effect on a child. Hence, it is important to use different parenting style at different occasions. This helps to raise a well-groomed child.

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