
The Future of Teaching and Learning

The world is  changing rapidly and so we need to change the way we interact, the way we do things.

This include the way we teach and the way we want the children to learn. The future of learning comes with  learning styles that is expected to be upheld. 


There are certain practices that will help children thrive in the future of learning. 

3 Main Principles that will Guide Learning Today and in Future


  • Social Emotional Learning 
  • Diversity equity and inclusion
  • 21st century skills 


Social Emotional Learning 


Social-emotional competencies empower kids to develop self-awareness and confidence, to manage tough emotions and incitation, and to exemplify empathy, which translates to not only straightened up manners but also test scores.


In order for students to develop the academic and cognitive skills, they need to be in a good state of mind.


They need to know and be aware of those emotions they are experiencing and how to regulate them. 


Diversity Equity and Inclusion 


The presence of diversity in the future of learning  allows children to consider views and beliefs beyond those they were shaped with in early life by family and friends. When students are presented with viewpoints far different from their own, it gives them the opportunity to think critically about their own beliefs and examine the world in new ways.


According to research, children learn and enrich their abilities to think critically and creatively as they engage in conversations across differences, especially when all learners’ abilities and attributes and embraced.


Hence, educators need to find out the various skills children have and then develop teaching methodologies accordingly. These methods should be flexible enough and can be adopted based on each child’s needs.


21st Century Skills


The 21st Century skills the children need which include: Communication, Critical Thinking, Problem solving, Collaboration. These skills will allow students to be empowered to face the problems the world will be always confronted with and be able to live with them.


How Educators can help Students’ to become more engaged in their Learning


Imagine how the world will be if there is  a place where children can develop their full potential and achieve their holistic leadership skills. 


Let us consider how to help students better engage in their education.


  • Developing a learning guide that will allow children to meet their learning needs at their own pace.

See also: Effective Ways to Develop Independent Learning Skills in Children

With the learning guide certain students who learn faster will serve as supporters to other students. When students have autonomy to learn, they become supporters to other children, thereby facilitating learning at a faster rate.


  • Use of Educational technology. This offers children and students more choices on what they want to learn. They choose where and when to learn using technology.


 Why the  Future of Learning would be Interesting?


  • We can individualize learning for children, and make sure that children who need little extra support get them.


  • Teachers would focus on developing skills children would need in the workforce. There are 4 Cs that will enable children to thrive in the workforce which would develop the school.


The 4 Cs are the skills children would need in the future are 


Critical Thinking, Communication, Creativity and Collaboration.




  • Learning would be real because children would-be able to experience teachings first-hand. This can be made possible through the use of Educational Technology.


Impact of Educational Technology in the Future of  Learning


Education technology would impact learning in a number of ways;


  1. The power to bring children anywhere in the world no matter where they want to go. For instance you need to teach Pyramids, the teacher can take the children on a virtual tour to Egypt and they can interact with them. After the teaching, the children can visit places virtually on their own.
  2. Whatever is important to the children they can study on their own at their own pace.
  3. Technology has flipped the learning from teacher-led classrooms to students-led classrooms.
  4. There would be increased collaboration and communication: Students would be able to  communicate and collaborate to solve problems virtually.
  5.  AI and machine learning tools are allowing teachers to customise learning experiences, adapt to individual learning styles, and uncover deeper insights into student learning paths. For instance the Kinesthetic learners are able to integrate hands on learning with virtual  learning.


How to ensure that Educational Technology benefits all students 


At the onset of the pandemic less than 40% of children had access to the internet and laptops.


For educational technology to benefit all students in the future, it’s necessary for all stakeholders to take into consideration the students’ interest and context when designing learning experiences.


Make available educational technology  resources and support for children.



















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