Our Latest Parenting Articles

Our core values

img1 Learning & Fun
We don’t just teach, but we make learning easy and fun to the children.
Your kid would love us.
We encourage continuous learning and growth.
img2 Skill
Every child needs the necessary skills to better prepare them for the future.
img3 Children Safety and Environment
The safety of the children is our top priority.
We monitor the kids closely every minute.
Our environments are secured.
Kids Diversity and Inclusion
Irrespective of background every child needs basic education.

Lasina Academy Programs

We have so many books that can help parents with the upbringing of their kids. We also have books that can assist kids and teens develop certain skills
One-on-One Sessions are sometimes necessary for guiding and counselling Kids and Teens.
With carefully articulated courses, we can assist parents develop vital parenting skills and also assist kids develop capacity.
Apart from Having various books and Courses, we also provide educational materials, teaching aids and learning tools to assist kids, parents and teachers.
We offer after school services to assist kids with difficult subjects and also help them solve difficult home works
We help teachers and school owners stay up to date with vital update in the teaching profession.


Children require the right mindset regardless of their background.

The home indeed has a lot of roles to play in the lives of children. As such, helping parents make them better adults that society needs is what we do.

Lasina Academy assists parents to navigate through the process of discovering and transforming their children and teenagers in different areas.

To support parents in discovering and transforming their children and teenagers into great adults.

To see all children and teenagers grow up to become admirable adults, regardless of background.

Oct. 2nd, 2022 at 11:00 AM

We are going on a picnic!

Why we are different

Our philosophy is learning through play as we offer a stimulating environment for children.

Full Day Sessions
Online Access

What our happy parents say

Varied Classes
Friendly Place

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Christian Sex Education

Humans are sexual beings, and so, they must be enlightened about sex and sexuality. Although, most parents and Christian folks view discussions about sex as being weird.  Parents often find it difficult to discuss sex with their children. They hardly find the right words to do so.   See also: Parenting a Teenager; 6 Mistakes Parents […]

Teenage Relationship Counseling

What is Teenage Relationship Counseling? Dealing with teens can be a whole lot of stress. It requires much work and effort. The result is often rewarding, though. At this age, teenagers are prone to different kinds of emotional behaviors. This includes; sudden anger, feeling withdrawn, anxiety, loud shout or cries and going silent for hours […]

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