Effective Ways to Develop Independent Learning Skills in Children

Independent Learning skill is a necessary skill needed for children to thrive in education.

Constantly aiding a child eliminates the opportunity of allowing such a child to gain initiative and become resourceful. Many times as parents you are tempted to help your child with everything. Yet a part of you wants the same child to attain independence. This does not promote independent learning in children.

Ways to Support Children through Learning Anxiety

Have you come across full-grown adults, who constantly seek help in every challenge from parents? Lots of times it looks like they just want a bit of advice.

This action stems from their inability to take decisions . Oftentimes, many children grow up to become adults but they remain terrible at making decisions. This is because they weren’t taught and allowed to independently take up tasks without assistance.

Indeed, you need to let your child grow up. Independent learning isn’t about neglecting the child. It’s providing the child with the right support and allowing such a child to set and meet his or her learning objectives.

Andre is 10 years old and returns home every day from school. Spends the rest of the afternoon playing games. His mom returns in the evening and Andre hasn’t done his homework.

When asked, he says that he needed his mom to assist him. Andre didn’t need an extra lesson or class to set up his game😊 but he had it all up.

A child does not become an independent learner by just wishing. By encouraging independent learning, you invariably grooming a self-motivated child.

There are guides to enable it to work. What differentiates a younger individual from an older individual, is the ability to learn independently.

Independent Learning Skills that are transferable 

Independent learning skills when developed in children can be transferred. These skills help children in other areas of life.

  1. Motivation
  2. Research
  3. Reading and Writing
  4. Problem-solving
  5. Critical thinking 

Reasons Children Need to Develop Independent Learning Skills

Children who learn independently are better able to think critically, solve problems, and effectively seek out and apply information. 

Additionally, it gets them ready for the independence and initiative needed in both higher education and the workforce.

Independent learning is crucial not only for academic success. The majority of occupations can use the abilities acquired. This is because the skills are transferable.

Independent learning skills are important for employment.

Independent learning helps children succeed in remote work and learning environments.

Effective Ways of Developing Independent Learning Skills in your child 

Independent Learning Skill is that skill that would help children and learners succeed in a remote learning environment.

Children who struggle with e-learning depend on parents and guardians to enforce participation or involvement.

For a child to thrive in the future of education(Ed-tech) such a child needs to take ownership of learning.


Independent learning skills
Why your child needs to be an independent Learner



Ownership of learning can be developed at home by parents. It can also be fostered in the classroom by teachers.

Let us review how parents can help children develop Independent Learning skills.

  • Encourage children to take ownership of their learning by setting goals, tracking progress, and reflecting on their work.
  • Give children the opportunity to explore.

Through exploring their interests, and passions in various hands-on activities, projects, and family outings. They develop independence in learning.

  • Teach and practice a growth mindset: Help children understand that failure is a natural part of learning and that they can always improve with effort.
  • Develop problem-solving skills: Teach children how to break down problems, think critically, and come up with creative solutions.
  • Build self-regulation skills: Help children develop the ability to focus, manage their time, and control their impulses when involved in a task. This can be achieved by creating routines that your child can be familiar with.
  • Model lifelong learning: Lead by example by engaging in your learning and expressing excitement and curiosity about new things. Let your children see you study. Children learn by imitation, when you model learning your children will learn. Hence, becoming independent learners.
  • Provide appropriate resources and tools: Make sure children have access to books, technology, and other resources they need to learn independently. Carefully sort out what your children learn. The kind of play resources made available for them determines what they learn. 

Are you struggling with getting your child or student to take ownership of their learning?

Raising Independent Learners ebook


Do you want to get your child out of that point where he/she isn’t overly dependent on you for learning?

With our carefully curated Raising Independent Learners Guide, you would have your children or students take full responsibility for their learning.

Imagine your child studying for an examination without you having to remind him or her.

Imagine your child getting his/her homework done and bringing it to you for vetting😊


You don’t want to yell over learning.

Grab your copy of Raising Independent Learners HERE 

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