

HOW TEENAGERS CAN DEVELOP GREAT STUDY HABIT   INTRODUCTION   The growth of every nation lies in the number and level of educated and learned individuals it has. Educated and learned individuals begin by developing a good habit of undergoing studies and research at tender ages to acquire knowledge to invent, create, produce, modernize and […]

Soft Skills to Help your Teenager Prepare for a Successful Career

Hard Skills get you hired but soft skills get you promoted. When interviewing fresh graduates, employers now take into account both hard and soft talents. Soft skills are also infrequently explicitly taught to tweens and teens, though they are passively learned at home and in school. Our approach to our work and how we interact […]

Factors dp
5 Amazing Factors that May Trigger Teenage Mental Health illness

What is Teenage Mental Health? Teenage Mental Health is a state of well-being in which teenagers realize their abilities, can cope with the ordinary stresses of life, work productively, and contribute to their community.  Teenage Mental Health is the state of developing social and emotional habits vital for mental well-being. These can only come when […]

Parenting a Teenager; 6 Mistakes Parents must Avoid

Yeh! Your child is now a teenager. It’s time to vary your parenting style. Yes, your teenagers are possibly moodier now than they were when they were younger. And you have new things to ponder, such as hangouts, dating, dressing, and friends who make you uncomfortable. Without mincing words, your teenager will push you beyond […]

Difficult Teens
Difficult Teenager How to discipline a difficult teenager

Raising and dealing with teens can be a difficult period for parents and caregivers. The teen stage is a stage recognized with a set of special needs. This stage marks the acceleration of physical growth, psychological, and behavioural changes. This resulting in the transition from childhood to adulthood. Who is a difficult teenager? A Difficult […]

Parenting Teens
Parenting Teenagers; 5 Amazing Tips you Must Know

Parenting Teenagers Parenting teenagers is one of the most crucial aspect in parenting journeys. No wonder “How can I be a better parent to my teenager?” has become one of the common questions parents always ask. Every parent should understand that the teen stage is a transitional stage. A period of change, withdrawal, discovery and […]