
The Future of Teaching and Learning

The world is  changing rapidly and so we need to change the way we interact, the way we do things. This include the way we teach and the way we want the children to learn. The future of learning comes with  learning styles that is expected to be upheld.  There are certain practices that will […]

Homework Strategies: How to help students

Parents’ main grievance is that their children have too much homework. For specific children and students, classroom learning or work isn’t enough. Hence, schools and teachers deem it fit to foster better academic performance through homework.  Some parents and stakeholders think that homework increases stress in children. This arose from the quantity of work assigned […]

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Quantitative Reasoning; Teaching Methods for Primary Schools

What is Quantitative Reasoning? Quantitative Reasoning is a process of solving numerical problems using mathematical operations and skills. What is taught in Quantitative Reasoning? In Quantitative reasoning, children understand and communicate mathematical principles. Also, they observe an intense section of logical thinking.  In teaching Quantitative reasoning, children read and identify mathematical information relevant to a […]