
Parenting a Suicidal Teenager

The teen stage comes with different forms of emotional discomfort. The discomfort brings about teenage helplessness. 


Parenting a teenager can be easy when parents make adequate preparations. Teenagers who attempt suicide do that as their way out of their present predicament. 

Causes of Teenage  suicide attempt

Teenagers attempt suicide due to a switch in their mental health. Some of which are;

  • When there is a change in academic performance.
  • When parents experience a family crisis.
  • Poverty; lack of access to basic needs.
  • When they experience inequality among friends.
  • Loss of a dear one.
  • When abused sexually.
  • Teenage pregnancy
  • Teenage Mental illness
  • Break up with boyfriend or girlfriend 
  • When teens watch movies that promote suicide as an option to end hopelessness and depression.

How to predict your teenager may attempt suicide

  • Seeing suicidal movie
  • When your teens write notes on how to commit suicide.
  • Low self-esteem
  • Feel of worthlessness
  • Exhibiting high-risk behavior.
  • When your teenager reads about suicide online.
  • When your teenager always wants to be alone.
  • When your teenager inflicts themselves with pain.
  • Continued grief and pain.
  • When teens make frightening statements about wishing they were dead.
  • When your teenager stops caring about important things. Such as academics.

How to Parent a Suicidal Teenager

When you discover your child is attempting suicide or has mapped out plans on how to commit suicide. 

It’s not for you as parents to panic. 

Do not allow your emotions to work against your reasoning. 

Your teen needs help immediately.

How do you work your teen through this as a parent;

Learn about suicide

As children grow into teens, there is an adjusting in parenting styles. Being conscious of knowing what to expect of your teenager is vital. 

When parenting a teenager who has shown signs of suicide attempts, you must learn about suicide. 

Your teen has read and learnt a lot about it.

What suicide is and how it’s done.

Also, why a person should commit suicide.

Learning about suicide will help clear your doubts and give you direction. 

So, to parent a suicidal teenager, endeavor to learn about suicide.

Ignorance of this menace can be disastrous. 

Keep close watch on your teenager

When you notice your teen attempts suicide or is showing suicidal tendencies, watch them closely. 

By closely watching them, take away things that can be of harm to them or any member of the family.

Things that can be of harm to a suicidal Teenager:

Loaded gun, 



As you try helping them out, unload guns containing bullets, and look out for knives and bottles placed wrongly.

Also, attach any suspicious moves in haste.

Find the root cause

When you notice that your teen shows signs of suicidal attempts,  look out for the cause.

At that point, your teenager needs help. Parenting a suicidal teenager can be scary, but discovering the reason behind that will save your teen. 

Proper knowledge of the cause of your teenager’s suicidal attempt will guide your parenting steps.

Ways you can discover the cause of teenage suicide attempts;

  1. Watch movies that interest your teenager.
  2. Know their friends and what they discuss.
  3. Discover and read the books or magazines they love to read.
  4. Find out what they search for online.
  5. Look out for their social media news feed.

Hence, once the cause of teenage suicide attempts is known, make haste to find a solution.

Speak with your teenager

Speaking to your teenager who exhibits suicide tendency is the initial stage of healing. Ask your teenagers how they feel and what is going on in their lives. 

When speaking with teenagers about their feelings, talk to them with empathy and love. Bear in mind that whatever your teenager feels is real. 

Show concern and care towards your teen’s emotions. 

Also, be careful not to pass judgment or blame them for how they feel.

Hence, developing a communication channel between your teen will help discard suicidal thoughts.

Seek Medical Attention

Certain suicidal attempts results from mental stress and depression. Seek the attention of a pediatrician, counselor, or therapist.

Let them know what you have noticed in your teenager. Get the necessary advice and prevention measures from them.

Furthermore, do not hide any observations from the therapist.


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