Holiday Skills for your Child

Holiday skills for children are skills children acquire when free from school work and assignments. These skills prepare your children for the future.

We live in unusual times when we are unsure of what lies ahead of our children. 

It’s a time when technology is evolving very fast.

There are changes in climate around the world.

Equipping your child with the right skills during the holiday will help make that child confident to face the future.

To learn more about these holiday skills for your child, keep reading.

4 Awesome Holiday skills for your child 

Entrepreneurial Skill

Holiday skills

Entrepreneurial skills are holiday skills your child can learn. I know you are wondering if you have to set up a business for your child or teen. You may also wonder if your child or teen would have to run a business during the holiday. 


These are skills that prepare your children to own and manage their businesses.

These skills help your children develop a ‘startup mindset’.

These entrepreneurial skills include;

  1. Handiwork
  2. Trading

Some Holiday Handiwork for your children are;

  • Agriculture;
  • Baking and Pastry
  • Craft
  • Book Authoring
  • Furniture Making
  • Cloth Making
  • Hair Making for both male and female

Digital Skill

In this digital age, children have access to digital content and tools. The summer holiday is a period for your children to acquire digital skills that will make them employable in the future.

Also, your children can run their businesses effectively with digital knowledge. 

Parents have argued that digital skills may harm their children.

 But it’s important as parents that you know what basic digital skills your child needs.

We are phasing off the era of grooming children to go through school only to get a job. Machines are gradually taking up human roles. 

It is ideal to ensure that your child starts learning a digital skill by age 7. This helps your child master these digital skills before age 16. 

An early start gives enough room for mastery.

Combining classroom learning and some digital skill training for your child may seem difficult for many parents. Hence, parents are encouraged to take advantage of the summer holidays or other holidays.

These digital skills for children range from basic digital skills to tech skills.

Basic Digital Skills for your child

  • Use of Spreadsheet,
  • Social Media,
  • Use of Email,
  • Word Processing

Tech Skills for your child

  • Web Development,
  • Design,
  • Content Writing,
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Coding

Soft skill

Soft skills are skills that help you relate with others. Employers sort after these skills during the recruitment process. 

Soft skills are holiday skills that can be acquired. Aside from being an employee skill, it can help build good values for your child.

Soft skills include

  • Problem-solving,
  • Critical Thinking
  • Leadership
  • Teamwork
  • Time -Management

See also Maths Skills: How to improve your child’s Maths skills as Parents.

Survival Skill

Holiday skills

Survival is a combination of knowledge and techniques for situations where modern conveniences and infrastructures do not exist or have been damaged.

Do you wonder if your children need to acquire this skill? Yes!

During the holidays, survival skills can be taught effectively, by parents or coaches.

What are these survival skills?

  • Self-Defence
  • Safety Awareness
  • Basic First Aid training
  • Creating safe water to drink
  • Getting Shelter

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