Digital Storytelling: Improving Children’s Science Learning Through Storytelling


Digital storytelling is the use of the media to tell stories. The learning of science is filled with theories. Hence, digital Storytelling in science helps to close the gap created between these theories and real life.

Digital storytelling mixes the previous art of storytelling with a range of modern tools to weave stories together using the author’s voice, including images, graphics, music and sound. Digital storytelling, which is both a teaching method and a learning resource, has been used in many innovative ways at all stages of learning .

Children develop two modes of thinking to make sense of the world. First, is the socio-logic mode; this processes information by abstracting it from context.  Another is the narrative mode which is storytelling, this is context-dependent and relies on situation-based evidence. 

Research widely recognizes that, the narrative mode of thinking represents the default mode of human thought, providing basis to reality and serving as the underlying foundation for memory.

Hence, in  science learning presenting new information in the form of stories about scientists and scientific discoveries and facts supports a natural style of processing information for many learners.

Teaching and learning of science is improved by using storytelling as a teaching resource. However, at the primary school stage of teaching, it can be difficult for non-science teachers to effectively bring science to live through storytelling. This is why we have created science stories for you.

The most effective teacher explores various teaching strategies to ensure that learning takes place. 

A story is the web of characters and their relationships, the transformation of characters and situations, and a flow of events in a way that is true to the setting. It is a story’s ability to communicate a sequence of occurrences and represent symbolic meaning that can help children to order, process and demonstrate their work.

During storytelling, the interaction is creative making both the listener and teller create a mental image of what is said.

Digital storytelling helps children’s learning and allow teachers to adopt innovative and improved teaching methods. 

It’s an immense benefit to the world at large, that children should be able to see the reality of science.

Science Storytelling Examples

These are video science storytelling scripts for children. These digital stories consist of the narrator’s voice, graphics and entertaining sounds.

  1. The First Aid Story
  2. How image is formed in a Mirror
  3. Story on Football skills
  4. Forms of Water
  5. Natural Disaster Story

How to use stories in teaching science

Creating digital stories in the classroom is a powerful instructional technique that has the potential to transform learning for learners. Digital stories are portable as they are documented and shared in text and audio format.

 This enables the teachers to document the work processes of the learners, while granting others viewing access to the works of others. Products created in digital storytelling transcend traditional classroom assignments as they allow students to explore identity and the meaning of their own experience through various media.

By teaching science using storytelling, children develop enhanced communications skills by learning to organize their ideas, ask questions, express opinions, and construct narratives. Here are ways this can be achieved; 

  • Simplify complex terms
  • Let the children know and learn of the struggles scientists go through.
  • Involve children in a game based element that inspires them to explore. This can be achieved within a 3D environment.
  • Use stories as a hook to kick off topics.
  • Parents can install digital science stories for children home to substitute other screentime.


Digital storytelling
Science conversation between mother and daughter

Importance of Digital Storytelling in Science

Digital storytelling in science makes the learning of science insightful, engaging and interesting.

Telling stories in science through digital means, makes children want to learn more and think more.



Storytelling is a resource that improves the teaching and learning process of Science in Primary Education.

It basically gets students’ better attention and understanding by means of motivation, and consequently, encourages their creativity and critical thinking. 

Digital Storytelling creates a vacuum for interest and attention in children.

Scientific storytelling helps to simplify complex science concepts and terms to children. Hence, it makes communication during teaching and learning easy.

This powerful benefit of storytelling promotes inclusivity in science, by potentially inspiring children’s pursuit of future science learning.

Through telling stories in science, children can understand why they need to learn that topic. It answers questions on the importance of the topic to real life.

Stories of science and scientists can have  positive impacts on the affective learning domain. This inspires future subject-specific learning. 

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