
How Nigerian Teachers can Earn More Money

Currently, the education sector is one of the fastest-growing sectors globally. Moreover, research shows that it will grow even more in the coming years, which means teachers will be in high demand.  See also:  The Future of Teaching and Learning We know teachers might not need a second job, but it’s not the case for […]

 Delay Gratification for Improved Study Habits in Children

Delay gratification is a life skill which many learn as adults. This can be due to a series of mistakes and errors made. Delaying gratification is the ability to resist the temptation of an immediate reward for the sake of achieving a more significant reward in the future. This skill is essential for children as […]

Ways Family Business Can Help Children’s Development Skills

Parents have key roles to play in helping their children succeed by leveraging their business resources and experiences.  Family businesses have long been recognized as fertile ground for nurturing entrepreneurial spirit, fostering skill development, and shaping the next generation of leaders. These unique initiatives offer a rich environment where children have the opportunity to gain […]

Tips to Keep Children Engaged in Learning 

    Learning is the process of acquiring new knowledge, behaviours, skills, and values from various experiences throughout life. Learning can be infused throughout the day, not just during designated “learning” times. Children should do things like play games, puzzles, blocks, or go for walks where there are things that can grab their attention from […]

5 Ways to Fix a Child’s Dropping Grades

Low grades may not be the best way to describe a child’s success. But with great grades children develop healthy self-esteem. Sudden low grades can be due to some minor or major factors. However, it’s of great importance to pay attention to your child’s learning process. Oftentimes, I hear parents complain of sudden low grades […]

Setting up Children for Success

No one begins the journey of success, without adequate preparation. Parents can set children up for success. This can only happen when parents are intentional about the success of their children. A child who can achieve success must be ready to take up responsibility. Setting your children up for success is allowing them to take […]