Healthy Holiday Practices for Children

Healthy holiday Practices are sets of activities that keep our children safe and knowledgeable during and after the holidays.

A holiday for children is a time of rest, free from compulsory school activities. To some parents, it’s a time to reinforce learning both new and previous knowledge.

Different families spend their holidays in special ways. While some carefully plan their holidays, others let them come and pass without memories to go with them.

Healthy holiday practices
Children playing

This explains why children return to school after the holiday, appearing better or worse than they left school.

Healthy holiday practices form part of a child’s development and should be well planned.

Let’s consider why children need healthy holidays.

5 Reasons for Healthy Holiday Practices

  1. Healthy holiday practices help children’s well-being. Children return to school in a better state of mind.
  1. Healthy holiday practices inculcate informal education in a child. 
  1. It helps your child’s cognitive development.
  1. Your child’s social skills are improved.
  1. Healthy holiday practices teach your children the importance of family bonding and time.

Examples of Healthy Holiday Practices

  • Baking and cooking 
  • Telling historical and ancient stories
  • Sharing animal stories.
  • Writing creative articles and stories.
  • Designing holiday cards.
  • Colorful decoration of surroundings.
  • Online learning.
  • Reinforcement of previous academic work.
  • Listening and dancing to music.
  • Attend social and educational events.
  • Outdoor camping activities.
Healthy Holiday practice
Little girl at the park
  • Having picnics
  • Planting of crops.
  • Playing games

5 Main Tips for a Healthy Holiday Practice for your Children

A healthy holiday should be impactful. 

Allow your child to learn something new during the holiday. When a holiday period is pre-planned, it’s the first step to having a healthy holiday. 

When your child is aware of a lineup of activities, they look towards it with excitement.

A healthy holiday which is free of any form of abuse.

 As the holiday gets closer, some parents plan on where to drop off their kids. The idea is to avoid disturbance. 

Certain job roles of parents may be their excuse. Taking your children and leaving them off with friends or relatives gives rise to abuse. 

Abuse is unhealthy and can create a long-lasting impact on your child.

Whomsoever, you intend to leave your child with, might be as busy as you are.

Keeping a close watch on your children will protect them from different forms of abuse. Don’t let your children fall victims of 

Emotional abuse, 

Sexual abuse,


because you want a break.

A healthy holiday practice should show new learning.

To help your children enjoy the holiday, vary their holiday activities. Vary holiday practices which include academic learning and holiday skills

Engaging your children in reading and Maths skills will help prepare them for the future. Also, there is a need to improve your child’s reading and maths skills at this time. 

Teachers have observed that children lose touch with their reading and maths skills during the holiday.

Let your children’s holiday be memorable. 

Your child wants to know what to talk about upon resumption. Put up healthy activities they would love to talk about upon resumption. 

Memorable activities include;

 Yoga practice, 

 Dance practice, 

 Colour and painting sessions, 

 Visit the natural park; Spending time in nature has proven benefits for wellness, both mental and physical.

Let your children eat healthy and nourishing meals. 

During school time, children tend to get ill in the middle of the term and towards the end of the school year. For some, pressure from academics makes them lose their appetite for food.

 Having a holiday with a great meal would be healthy for the children. Take time off from the screen and explore the kitchen with your kids. 

Preparing a delicious meal is a fun way to spend quality time with your children.

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