
How Perseverance in Learning can help Children Excel in Academics




Perseverance in Learning; Importance 


Perseverance in learning is the process whereby children learn to manage their emotions when struggling with learning tasks. Oftentimes, it is seen as an emotional struggle, which entails that a child would have to learn to delay gratification. 


Also, it’s the art of not giving up on learning.


Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish.

John Quincy Adams


Whatever that requires some level of stress, effort, load, and time is seen as being difficult. We can say that,learning is difficult.

However, what makes it smooth and easy for many is the long run success that accompanies this effort and time put into it.


Thoughtfully, every form of learning and mastery require perseverance. Without perseverance learning, children’s cognitive, physical and psychosocial development would be halted.

There will be no progress in the development of a child.

According to Duckworth, 2016;

While attitude, skills, and a basic degree of talent are important as determiners of success, they are not as significant as hard work and trying, again and again, to improve what we do.”


When patience and perseverance is put into learning, the difficulties disappear making the process of learning easy. Children who persevere in the place of learning are children who have learned to delay gratification.


When to Encourage Children to Persevere in Learning 

Children are to be encouraged to persevere in learning when they are going through difficult times in their lives. Also, when a child seems to have lost confidence in himself or herself, some level of perseverance should be encouraged.

This is to avoid an entire collapse of their learning structure. 


Why Perseverance in Learning is Important 

There is a need to encourage children to persevere in learning. These include the following;

  • Perseverance in Learning helps children win in academic struggle.
  • When children persevere in learning they tend not to give up.
  • Children that persevere in learning gain independent learning skills which help them thrive in the future.
  • Perseverance learning makes children become responsible adults.
  • It is important because, it births creativity and innovation. 
  • Perseverance in academics makes learners make progress that pays off in the long run.
  • Through learning to persevere in the place of learning, children are being set up for success.


Simple Steps to develop Children Perseverance in Learning for Better Academic Performance 


  • Encourage children to speak positivity 

Holding on to learning struggle can be difficult without any form of encouragement. By speaking positively to themselves, they gain strength to keep pushing. 


I can do better, if I keep trying.

I know this concept is difficult, but if I give it more time, I will get it right.


  • Develop Independence for Learning. This can be achieved by  encouraging children to see mistakes as a tool for academic growth.

When children fail, they are usually discouraged and scared. They are either scared of being punished by parents and teachers or scared of being mocked by peers.

But they get better, when they learn to see their failures as a tool to enable them fill in gaps they hadn’t taken note of. By doing this, children learn to double check their work and better work on their learning styles.


  • Allow them to do their study task themselves. 

Oftentimes I tell parents that overly assisting their children will only make them groom dependent children. Children who frequently get learning task done by parents or guardians become;

-Less creative 

-Dependent learners 

-Learners with unhealthy academic self-esteem.

So, when children are allowed to engage in their learning task, they develop perseverance to learn. Hence, making learning interesting.


  • Let them know that they aren’t alone. 

We all can easily support one another with our individual stories. These stories include our failures and successes. Encouraging a child to persevere in learning by telling him or her, how you have been through such a phase.

Stories such as this, can be an inspiration for perseverance. 

  • The habit of setting goals at the onset of a learning concept helps learners persevere. 

Every player fixes his eye on the crown. When children understand the goal they are set to achieve, they will focus with patience to get to the end. Hence, it’s important that as guidance and parents, we encourage them through the learning process.

The process of learning and perseverance births a mindset of consistency and growth.


  • Support and encourage children to do difficult and challenging things that are of interest to them. However, do not fail to remind them of the likes of Thomas Edison who failed 9999 times,yet he said;


“I have not failed; I’ve just found 10,000 ways to make a lightbulb that won’t work.”

Other Practice for developing Perseverance in Learning

To continually fuel children’s perseverance in learning, consider the doing these; 

  1. Allow them find what they are very much interested in.
  2. Help them discover their purpose.
  3. Encourage them to always practice.
  4. Always reassure them that there is light at the end of the tunnel.

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