
Quantitative Reasoning: Skills and Examples 

Quantitative Reasoning skills are skills that involve the manipulation of numbers.


Quantitative Reasoning is the ability to think numerically. 

Quantitative Reasoning examples for children are the ability of a child or student to interpret, analyze and solve numerical problems.

It is not enough for you to be good at Math but to be able to think and solve numerical problems.

You can be good with Mathematics but you need certain skills to help children scale in Quantitative Reasoning.

Understanding and using statistical data to make informed decisions is not something that everyone can do. But children need to possess a basic understanding of numbers.

Another Name for Quantitative Reasoning 

Quantitative reasoning can also be referred to as 

Numeric Thinking, 

Number Sense, and 

Quantitative Thinking.

Example of Quantitative Reasoning for childrenWhy Children need Quantitative Reasoning Examples 

Quantitative reasoning is a subject of number. Hence, for children to thrive in this digital era, quantitative reasoning skills are require. 

Hence, teachers and parents need to show children Quantitative Reasoning methods.

Let us review why children need to learn to solve Quantitative reasoning examples.

  1. Quantitative reasoning helps children apply mathematical principles to real-life scenarios.
  1. By using diagrams and charts for examples of quantitative reasoning for children, they learn to find different routes to solving problems.
  1. Quantitative reasoning skills help improve children’s logical thinking.
  1. Identification of mathematical concepts increases attention span and memory skills.
  1. When children are able to communicate quantitative concepts effectively, it helps to improve their auditory and visual abilities.
  1. Through the application of collaborative skills in identifying the solution to quantitative reasoning examples, children improve their social skills.
  1. Quantitative reasoning brings about innovations in children. Children tend to come up with new ways of doing things.

Skills Needed to Solve Quantitative Reasoning Examples 

Critical Thinking 

In solving Quantitative Reasoning examples, the student’s ability to think critically is the basis for taking the right decision. In using critical thinking skills, children need to engage in the use of concepts.

Critical thinking skills may involve thinking imaginatively and considering options from different views.

Hence, this involves identifying different approaches

Problem-Solving skill 

Problem solving skill in solving quantitative reasoning is children’s ability to formulate different ways to solve the problem. 

Children discover problems and proper solutions to them which brings about development of a nation.

Analytical Skill 

Analytical skill is important in solving Quantitative Reasoning examples. This skill requires the children examine the information given, in order to identify key concepts required to solve the problem.

Analytical skills involved in solving Quantitative reasoning involve; 



interpretation of  data, 

detecting patterns, 

making decisions and 

integrating new information.

Application of Basic Mathematical  Concepts 

Children who understand the use of basic 

Mathematical operations would thrive in solving Quantitative reasoning. These mathematical operations include;





Others are!


Square root

Understanding how to use these calculations can help students better solve quantitative reasoning.

Collaborative Skill 

Working in a group to solve quantitative reasoning examples is a great skill children need in this digital age.

Collaboration is an educational approach that promotes effective learning in children. 

Also, this approach to quantitative reasoning and quantitative literacy can enhance social learning skills in children.

Hence, teachers must encourage and motivate students to search for solutions with the help of their methods. The students should be given the chance to compare and share the solutions with others.

Examples of Quantitative Reasoning for Children 

Example 1 

  • 3 W 9 = 1 (Sample 1)
  • 16 W 8 = 2 (Sample 2)
  • 14 W 6 =1R8 (Sample 3)

To solve this, 

3 + 9 = 12 (Assume to be number of Months in a year)


This implies that for every 12, it would be equated as 1 

That is, 12=1

16 + 8 = 24 

24 ÷12= 2 

Hence, there are 2 groups of 12 in 24.

14 + 6 =20 

20 ÷ 12 = 1 remainder 8 

Example 2

Quantitative reasoning examples 

Using Sample 2

To find 12




To find 6 




To find 9 




To find 7






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