
Christian Sex Education


Humans are sexual beings, and so, they must be enlightened about sex and sexuality. Although, most parents and Christian folks view discussions about sex as being weird.

 Parents often find it difficult to discuss sex with their children. They hardly find the right words to do so.  

See also: Parenting a Teenager; 6 Mistakes Parents must Avoid

Likewise, some Christian leaders often mince words while teaching sex to their congregation.

Sex is a natural aspect of human existence. God created it for good reasons. 

Therefore, it should be taught to children and individuals at all levels to avoid its misuse. The home should be the most honest and comfortable place to talk about sex. 

Hence, parents should endeavor to summon the courage to do so.

Reasons for Christian Sex Education

Christian Sex Education is a potent force that fights against lots of ethical and societal issues. As already mentioned, Christian sex education ought to start from the home having parents as the teachers.

Here are a few reasons Christian sex education is necessary.

  1. Wrong Teachings: 

Today’s society has different notions about sex contrary to its original and biblical views. The world teaches that as sexual beings, we are at liberty to have sex whenever we choose. 

They make you believe that you are missing out if you are not having sex. Most individuals have been indoctrinated with the belief that sexual purity is old-fashioned and impossible. 

When purpose is not known, abuse is inevitable”

Myles Munroe.

 Since the world has contrary views about sex, parents must educate their children on the biblical standards regarding sex at an early stage. They need to understand that God created sex for marriage.

 Marriage is honorable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge.” Hebrews 13:4 “

If they are not properly educated, they would learn from the wrong source.

  1. Unwanted Pregnancy:

 Many young girls venture into unplanned and unprepared motherhood due to unwanted pregnancy. Some become school dropouts while others enter into marriage at a very young age.

 A good number of girls lose their lives in the process of aborting these unwanted pregnancies. Hence, the need for Christian sex education. 

When parents do their homework by enlightening their girl child on the value of abstinence, unprepared pregnancy will be avoided. However, unwanted pregnancy occurs as a result of fornication.

  1. Fornications and Adultery: 

“Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body, but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body. 1 Corinthians 6:18

 “Thou shalt not commit adultery.”  Exodus 20:14

God detests sexual sin. Christian homes should endeavor to emphasize teachings on sexual purity to their children. As children develop into teenagers, they feel the need to explore their bodies. 

They tend to try out things they feel, see or hear. Most young people who indulge in sex before marriage tend to live an adulterous lifestyle. 

When a good foundation for Christian sex education is laid, fornication and adultery would not be named among Christians.

  1. Health Implications: 

A lot of diseases such as Gonorrhea, Syphilis, HIV, etc are contracted through sexual intercourse. These are life-threatening illnesses that can be prevented by abstinence. 

Millions of young women are estimated to develop VVF (Vesicovaginal Fistula). This is commonly caused by early marriage and childbearing. 

Oftentimes, VVF patients require surgical operations to be treated. On the other hand, some cases are unrepairable which leads to death. 

However, parents should endeavor to instill Christian sex education in their children. They should teach them that sex outside marriage is a sin that has grave consequences.

  1. Pornography:

 Most children who are not taught sex education tend to learn on their own. They visit different pornography sites on the internet to satisfy their curious minds. 

These children go ahead to practice what they might have learned. Therefore, good teachings on Christian sex education need not be underrated.

 Pornography is a breeding ground for all manner of sexual sin including; masturbation, homosexuality, lesbianism, and fornication, among others. 

“Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality.” 1 Corinthians 6:9

 Hence, the reason for instructing children on Christian sex education.


Parents must teach their children about sex and the need to follow biblical instructions concerning every matter. Children should be taught that their bodies belong to them and no one else. 

Therefore, they should not permit access to anyone as it is a sin against God. “What? Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you…..”1 Corinthians 6:19


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