
How to Cultivate Honesty and Integrity in your Child.

To cultivate honesty and integrity in your child, you need to keep an ear to the ground as parents and carers. 


Honesty and integrity are values built over time through consistent teaching and follow-up. 

When parents train their children, to be honest, it reflects in every sphere of their lives.

See also Parenting Teenagers; 5 Amazing Tips you Must Know

As it is often said;

Charity begins at home. The home is the first society a child tends to encounter. It does not excuse the fact that there are external influences from which your child can learn.

The larger society can change the good values that you have taught your child.

You may wonder what you can do to develop honesty and integrity in your child. Let us see practical ways to groom an honest child.

4 Practical Ways to Develop Honesty in Children

Live an honest life as a parent.

Your children will say what they have seen you say and do what they have watched you do. Children are generally imitators. 

To develop honesty and integrity in your child, you have to be a person of honesty and integrity. In other words, model integrity.

Telling lies and denying facts in your children’s presence is wrong for the parents.

I have heard a mom tell her son to act ‘smart’. The implication of the word ‘smart’ is to tell a lie. 

In such a scenario, you have planted a seed of deceit and lying in your child that will germinate.

“Kids are sponges. They will emulate what they see and what they are exposed to.”

LeVar Burtons

Teach your Child Honesty.

Cultivate honesty in your child
Father teaching son

Children can learn to be honest and upright. But, understand that the world has so much deceit and lies. 

Nobody seems to be trusted anymore. Children should know that honest and upright people exist.

To achieve your teaching on honesty;

  1. Tell stories: children love stories and will go to any length to know about them.

Through storytelling, you can teach honesty to your child.

Tell stories that reflect;

  • Importance of honesty.
  • Dangers of being dishonest.
  • Dignity in being honest.
  1. Always check up on your child: In moral training, you do not give room for offences. Keep a close watch on your child.

Encourage and Motivate your child.

Cultivate honesty in your child through encouragement
Encourage your child

Motivate your child who is trying to live an honest life. When you observe lies or deceit, instead of scolding and punishing your child, remind your child of a story that depicts honesty.

When you notice a dishonest act, in your child, due to peer influence or pressure, talk to your child. Let your child know that many honest men and women stand alone. 

Also, let your child see the negative impact of a dishonest person.

Reward and Appreciate Honest acts.

Cultivate honesty and integrity in your child through appreciate

Every good act deserves a reward. But not every good action is rewarded.

When your child puts up an act of honesty, appreciate that act. This brings to life what you have taught them.

Remember to tell them that not all acts of honesty come with a reward. 

Hence, children should not always accept gifts and compensations for honest deeds. It helps to curb the lifestyle of greed.


Children lie as a means to escape punishment. 

Your child will uphold a high standard of honesty and integrity when an adult has spent a lot of time teaching the importance of honesty and integrity.

As parents, ignite an honest and upright lifestyle in your children.


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